Free Resources
My intention is that this page is one that you will come back to when you need little pockets of support, perhaps you're feeling down on yourself, or overwhelmed, or just not feeling quite right, there is likely something here for you. However, this page is not meant as a replacement for professional help, just as support.
Please scroll through and chose what you are drawn to and I will guide you through a soothing and balancing technique.
You will find:
tapping (EFT) practices on video
some meditations,
energy techniques for the well-being of you or your loved ones,
PDFs that lead you through tapping scripts.
If you are unsure where to start; go to the Silent Tapping video; it'll help soothe your mind and body enough for you to then understand what else may help.
If you wish to subscribe to my regular newsletter where I send, directly to your inbox, helpful practices to soothe your body, mind and energy, then click here
Do not listen to meditations or hypnosis recordings while driving a car or operating heavy machinery.
Ensure you are able to fully relax for the duration of the recording.
Energy Techniques and Practices (not incl. EFT)
The Sway an energy technique to help you connect to your energy and body and ask yes/no questions.
Sending love to your Inner Child for when you want to let your inner child know that s/he is loved.
Bringing Love to a Problem area/Pain for when you feel pain or discomfort in your body.
Cord cutting an energy technique for when you can't let go of the past.
Chakra boosting breathwork breathe into the chakras and boost their energy.
Using the Violet Flame an energy technique to transmute energy.
Letting go of old emotional pain.
Tapping Videos
Please note that these links will take you to my YouTube channel where more videos are available, including short morning meditations.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) also known as tapping; (one of THE best ways to de-stress, relax and feel soothed, calming the nervous system as you tap)
Tapping for Exam Stress; feeling stressed about exams or revision, tap along.
Tapping for Anxiety; tapping is great for easing feelings of anxiety, tap along.
Tap on the Crap this one is for when SO much has gone on and you just need to express before you can get specific.
Tapping for Self Acceptance and Self Love for when you struggle to value yourself.
Silent Tapping for when emotions are too much and you have no words. You tap and breathe.
Silent Tapping with colour as above, using colour to help you feel good as you breath and tap.
Tapping to clear the belief "I don't have time for me"; it will help you see where you CAN find the time for you
Tapping to clear the need to push; when you're feeling resistance or things aren't moving energetically (this is often a time for surrender)
Tapping with your hypnotherapy affirmations; for those who have post hypnotic suggestions and affirmations, to help soothe the body and mind as you integrate the work you did in hypnosis.
Tapping to re-engage with habits that you KNOW are great for you?
These links will open in a PDF
Tapping Scripts
Tap along on each point, always adjust the wording to reflect how you are feeling
Tapping Script: Food instead of Emotions (This script is a general script to help get you started on disconnecting food from emotion. Please also be aware that food issues are a multi faceted problem - and very rarely about the actual food itself, but more about what we make it mean - which takes time and patience to clear. I would recommend that you work with a practitioner to get the best results for you. Above all else practice mindful self care.)
Meditations​ & MP3s
Please more there are more meditations on my YouTube channel and within the membership
Clearing Meditation to release Ancient Shame inspired after reading "Mary Magdalene Revealed" by Meggan Watterson, releasing ancient oppression and shame, particularly around the feminine.
About my Energy Clearing Meditations (TM); info all about my album of 7 meditations to help you let go of old stories, feelings and trapped emotions. The album costs £6; click here for more info.
Breathe and Release a very short practice to help you release stress and tension.
Soothing Meditation
This mediation is in response to all the uncomfortable feelings that people have expressed to me; many say that they feel scrambled and can't think straight, so this meditation is to help you find your inner peace and calm.
Hypnosis for confidence and self esteem
Don't listen to this whilst driving or operating machinery.
Repeated listening will help you learn to love yourself,
have value in who you really are and so relax into being.
Breathe and release Meditation
Just a few breathes together to help you release. Feel free to have it on repeat.