As we've been gripped by the measures to stop the pandemic, a new perception is being birthed.
A little over a month ago I made a pledge to send out monthly newsletters. I did not imagine how different the world would look in that time. Yes, it was probably short sighted, but nevertheless alot has changed since then, and our experiences and perceptions have grown as a result.
My mission was to share resources, tips, tools or techniques, hopefully channelled messages; messages of inspiration (if I was so blessed). Yet, I have found myself struggling to be of any use to anyone (unfortunately it is an inbuilt need ... to be of use) and unable to string any thoughts together into anything of value or help. And so I have stayed relatively quiet, safe.
Many of us will have been 'triggered' by what's been going on, and unfortunately being triggered means that a protective, scared, usually much younger version of ourselves (psychologically speaking) is running the show. Doing it's best, but not equipped for this reality.
The last couple of weeks have been testing emotionally. My hubby and I have been in isolation and as I say, I have struggled with feeling that I should be doing something to remedy the situation; perhaps a tapping meditation, or a virtual healing circle or something uplifting.
But I was too overwhelmed to put my attention into a coherent action. And I felt guilty about that.
But gently, over time, I have accepted that I can't fix everything; I have flitted in and out of fear; fear for the health of my loved ones, for myself, fear of loss of livelihood, even fear of enough food. And yet, if I took a breath and utilised the abundance of free information coming my way, I was able to come back into a calm space.
Each and every time I moved into an emotional state that felt at odds to my 'norm' or 'ideal', I took a breathe, tapped or connected with someone in order to help me come back to my ideal. Being in a state of fear, anxiety or overwhelm isn't helpful. It's exhausting for the body, mind and spirit and didn't help me be the person I aspire to be. Also, I know that it is infectious. And it's not what I wanted to spread.
Today, was a sofa day; dozing, watching kind, heart-centred films and drinking lots of herbal teas. Plus, of course, sharing funny memes! (who knew there were so many?!) No more pushing, trying or feeling guilty. A day of limited play.
Then I saw on facebook, then on TV, a very real and large movement of appreciation for our NHS workers, our carers and key workers. .
"Clap for carers at 8pm"
The momentum was growing rapidly!
So at 8pm, not expecting many to participate down our road, I felt compelled to open the front door and clap. I wasn't sure if I would be the only one, echoing in the darkness, and I didn't really care. Like many I'm sure, feelings of powerlessness have been rampant, so the idea of doing something was a beautiful remedy!
As I stepped into my open doorway I was so heartened to see my neighbour with one of her small sons, clapping and cheering. And then a few other households came out too, some whooping, all clapping eagerly.
We were uplifted to see each other sharing the moment, feeling the loving connection, sharing the sense that we may not be able to do much but stay home and clap into the night, but we did it. If there had been an NHS worker or carer to receive it, it would have been an extremely powerful moment.
I would bet that most of us had tears in our eyes as we did it too!
At that moment our hearts came together.
Not so much the physical blood pumping heart, but the huge energy heart. The heart that responds before our minds have even computed what's going on. The heart that fills with emotions that we can't begin to comprehend. The heart that makes us do extraordinary things. The heart that fills with compassion, love and tenderness. The heart, that when we are in community, can shift the energy in a nano second; into a place of one love.
We had a common purpose; to show our deepest sincerest, wordless appreciation for those fierce, gentle, doggedly persistent and brave humans who, putting their own needs aside, care for us when we are in need.
Thank you, so very much.
Words cannot convey this properly. But maybe the energy can. Maybe it did. We thank you from the depths of our hearts. Thank you.
So what's our take away?
What can I share with you that may help you through this time?
There are lots of tips and techniques, ideas, ways to calm our minds and nervous systems, there's a list of resources at the bottom) but ultimately we have to trust our hearts.
As I feel into that experience I am filled, nourished, comforted. I am much better able to hold within my heart, my spirit, feelings of hope, of connection and also of healing.
If you are filled with worry or fear, and believe me I do absolutely understand that, and have compassion for you in that space, but I cannot help you if I join you in that state. Rather, it is more helpful to you, if I hold your heart compassionately, tenderly, lovingly as you feel what you feel. You will transcend those feelings, maybe not quickly or maybe you'll experience them frequently, going through rapid cycles.
There is no rush and I am not trying to fix or change you.
Just allow yourself your own experience.
You need to know that we are held by Angels and Light Beings, and if you feel 'bright' hopeful enough to energetically hold or allow others to go through their cycles, please do so. And then allow yourself to be held too.
Being truthful about how we feel is how we build sincere and deep connection. But, and please understand this from one who is REALLY trying to learn this for herself; do not busy yourself with the holding; 'busy' is what most of us are not supposed to be doing, 'busy' distracts us from the feelings. This is not the purpose. Acknowledge the feelings. Accept them, even if you don't want them running the show. Ignoring them is what got us into this.
But also, please don't labour at the heaviness.
The difficulties and uncertainties do not need us to stay feeling powerless, angry, sad, scared or lonely. That just adds to the energy that we are all responding too; even if you are not directly aware of it. Your thoughts directly impact your feelings and in turn your behaviours. It also influences and effects those around you.
So, if you are struggling, please reach out, remember that connection that we had at 8pm tonight. Allow yourself to be moved to lightness, to hopefulness, to community. Allow your heart to be filled with goodness. And be thankful for each other.
That resilience is what communities are made of.
It is around you.
And it is WITHIN you.
Peace and blessings to you all
In other news:
Although I cannot offer in person therapy or reflexology like I normally do, I am still offering Energy Healing, Energy Psychology Techniques (EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, NLP, Kinetic Shift) and Hypnotherapy online, via Zoom. It is just as effective, I promise, even though it may be outside of your experience, it isn't outside of mine. Energy and Healing are not effected by place, just by focus and intention. For those of you with such forthcoming appointments, I will be in contact, so keep a eye out for that info.
If you haven't got an appointment booked, but feel you would benefit from having guidance to release the tense energy, please email me on, or your normal way of contacting me (text, phone, whatsapp or facebook messenger).
There is a Global Healing Meditation call going out for all those who feel they could come together in mind and spirit to offer world healing. It is at the rather ungodly, yet magical time of 3.45 am....yes, AM... on the 5th April. And as it's at such a time, I am hoping/aiming to get us together on Zoom, so that we may feel connected to each other, which will, in itself, help the energy and focus build. If you would like more information on this, please get in contact, I'd love to have you on board.
There is some tapping guidance on my website as well as some other relaxation tools.
Carol Look, an EFT Master, sends out lots of really helpful tapping scripts if you sign up for her emails
The Reiki Federation are doing World Healing each Wednesday and Sunday from 8-8.30pm. I found it has helped me greatly to put my energy into something focused and heart-centered. You do not have to be Reiki attuned, you just have to be able to hold a loving heart for half an hour. See their website or facebook page for up to date information.
Practising Coherent Breathing in time to the Two Bells track, for a minimum of 5 minutes, but preferably 15/20+ minutes, really balances your nervous system and that in turn helps your body heal, your mind settle and for you to feel brighter. The track is on the Respire 1 album which costs £3.79 (i think) on amazon, or if you have Amazon music, it is free.
Move your body. There's lots of lovely people setting up on social media, youtube etc sharing dancing, fitness routines and yoga. I can personally recommend Lauren Baverstock for yoga. I've been doing yoga classes with her for a year, and she brings a compassionate and real presence to the yoga and enables you to bring that to yourself. She now does classes online; daytime and evening, and offers a pay from the heart type arrangement. Which means if you can afford to pay, then please do, as it will offset against those that have lost their income. The link below is her facebook page: or message me and I will provide you with an email, once I have checked in with her!
Final message; if there is something you would like me to offer guidance on (energy or healing related), or if you would like to book some treatment time for yourself, then please email me back/get in contact.
Sending you light and blessings for your best health and well being
Your Soul Energy
Thank you Claire- I believe we all breathed more easily and calmly just reading your words, which so obviously came from your heart and core and at times made me tear up - keep safe.