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A gift to help in such ODD times

Writer: Claire WilliamsClaire Williams

Hello! Well, what strange times we live in. Although I'm not seeing people face to face, I have still been seeing clients online. What I often hear is that people feel so 'all-over-the-place'. I myself have been through peaks and troughs, and in the peaks I do facebook lives and connect with people, I chat and relax and feel generally contented with my lot. In the troughs, I seem to hide away, preferring to nurture and be quiet; maybe potter in the garden with my plant 'babies', reading and being alone. If you are working full time but via Zoom/Teams you're probably overloaded with constant interaction but no real connection, maybe with eye strain to boot. Or if you've been furloughed you may have been enjoying new or old favourite past times or maybe you're so done with trying to fill your day. Or if you're one of our NHS or key workers, then there has been not rest just more work and stress and anxiety to go with it (more about the help available later).

Whatever you are experiencing is ok! There are no set rules for how to feel during this time. And now that we are slowly returning to something that looks on the outside more like the old life, in reality it feels so different. We don't know how to 'be' yet, in this new world. So maybe give yourself permission and time to get to know the you that you are the other side of lock-down.

To help give you a boost I've recorded a downloadable meditation to help you release all that stuff that's been going on inside you, and enable you to find your peaceful, still self. Please enjoy.

I am aware that many NHS workers, emergency services and carers are feeling the trauma of working through this pandemic; their experiences have been described as akin to being in a war zone. The effects of this mentally and emotionally can be devastating. I feel privileged to be volunteering for a new initiative that is completely free of charge and offers professional one-to-one support to those who work in the capacity I mentioned above and have been affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is such a very effective tool for releasing trauma and overwhelm, anxiety and panic. If you are unsure what EFT is take a look at my website or if you are interested in how this scheme can help you, please go to: You will be offered four free sessions, and knowing that your downtime is precious, each will take no more than an hour of your time.

Speaking of EFT for those feeling anxious I wanted to share a little reminder of how you can help yourself feel calmer in the moment.

The yellow star is a great tapping point, on the bone underneath the eye, either eye, for releasing anxiety (and also nausea). It is the meridian end point of the stomach meridian.

The blue stars are around the eye socket, tap gently on each of the points, including the yellow star, to soothe the eyes and bring a sense of relaxation to the mind and body.

There are also a few more free resources on my website; a couple of which were recorded on facebook several months ago and at the time I was unable to save them or share with anyone without a fb account, but now I can! I have also made the subscription hypnotherapy recording downloadable; apologies for the delay on that; I'm still finding my way around all this tech! So feel free to go back to your original link to this and download.

Future Bookings: Once we are back to the new normal and I am allowed to have clients to my clinic again, you will notice some changes and not all are Covid related (though that information will be passed to you as your appointment gets booked)! I am now, after 20 months of hard graft by my hubby with me as a builder's-mate, working from my Healing Sanctuary and here's a little preview.

If you wish to book any online treatments with me; Energy Healing or perhaps Energy Psychology techniques (which use a blend of EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and NLP or Hypnotherapy) to help with any emotional or behavioural issues, please get in contact:

In the meantime, I wish you and yours good health and peace.

Light and Blessings

Claire Williams

Your Soul Energy



Disclaimer:  Please note, that no diagnosis will be given and you are responsible for your own mental and physical health and you should contact your GP if a medical problem arises.  All information on this website is used at your own risk and no liability will be accepted for anyone using this website. Click here for full website terms of use.

© Copyright 2012-2025 by Claire Williams | Your Soul Energy all rights reserved.

Based in Halstead, Essex, UK

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