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Energy Clearing Meditations

In October 2020 I was moved / guided by Higher Energies to shift the live monthly meditation calls towards a clearing / healing meditation with a difference.  This was to help shift feelings / beliefs / ideas that held us back in some way, not just in our current life, but our childhood, our ancestral timelines and also from our past lives.


Humanity is at a unique juncture energetically and it is quicker and easier than before to release all that isn't serving us.  (Click here to go straight to the Energy Clearing Meditations.)


Why is this interesting or important for you?


When you feel and believe something to be true, it is active in your energy and so affects you on every level.


For instance, if you feel, at a deep level,  unlovable, you will behave in a way that seeks attention or shuns it in case of rejection or a myriad other ways.  Yet when you feel lovable, at your core, you feel secure in yourself and are able to be present to those around you, you show yourself in an open loving way, to care for yourself and those around you.  You will feel calmer and less likely to judge.  You are also able to go about your calling / purpose from a grounded and centered way; meaning that your intentions have more energy behind them.  


If you feel there's "something wrong" with you it can hold you back from your potential on so many levels and it can blight your mental and emotional health. It'll impact the job that you go for, the way you are in relationships, most particularly with yourself. When you feel whole and 'enough' just as you are, you release so much heaviness from your mind and also your physical self and it releases so many tied in feelings, giving you a sense of lightness and freedom. 


Once you have shifted this heaviness you begin to reconnect to the Divine and, so importantly, to yourself as a whole, in light and with love and compassion and so much more.  There is much energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual healing available this way.  You'll find things don't bother you at a personal level as they did previously.  You'll begin to create good solid foundations and from there you will grow exponentially, truly loving who you are and then able to be that true self in all areas of your life, bringing your heart and authentic voice to the world. 


This is the purpose of these Energy Clearing Meditations; to help you release what no longer serves you, and bring in all that does support you, to help you remember the Light and Truth of you.  


About the actual recordings


Each of the Energy Clearing Meditations is recorded from live gatherings, where Angels and Light Beings guided and aided the energy release along a particular theme.  This energetic Light Support will be with you whether you were there at the event or not.  The intention was set that the support would be there for ALL.


As you listen to the recording you will be asked to call in old aspects, ECHOs of yourself that need to release stuck energy.  These are old parts of you that hold the pain of a belief or feeling.   You will also be asked to call forward ancestral and past life energy. The ancestral aspect means you will be releasing it for those who came before you and also for your children, nieces and nephews.



You will notice that in parts the recording may sound up and down in level; this is because I am directly connected to the Angelic energies, weaving the energy together and channeling the wisdom and guidance.  In some energy healers/workers there is giggling as they connect to the higher frequency.  For me, (at that time, and sometimes still) it caused me to whir around in my seat, creating circles so-to-speak with my upper body, which means I was always shifting position in relation to the static microphone.   Rest assured that your energy will still respond even if your 'thinking' mind is wondering at the sound dips.


What if you're new to all this spiritual stuff?


It does not matter if you feel unsure about the past life or ancestral aspects; just know that if you are willing, the energy will be released. If it doesn't feel right to you at this time, that is also ok.  Similarly, you may feel you're not spiritual enough to visualise or get a sense of the Angelic support.  To this concern I say; you are spiritual enough.  And your intuition and 6th senses will develop the more you use them; these skills really are within you, let them have space to grow! Give yourself over to curiosity just for a little while.


Each Energy Clearing Meditation has a theme.  We release all ECHOs around that theme, then bring in the good stuff; the restorative, nourishing light-filled beliefs and feelings instead, leaving you feeling brighter, more relaxed and more like the real you!


What are the themes?

The first recording is an 'overall' first layer of release; unseen, unheard, helpless, unloved and unsafe.

The second is rejection and not feeling 'enough'.

The third is power and empowerment, releasing trauma and sense of victim.

The fourth is self worth.

The fifth is loving your self even when you're not perfect.

The 6th is loss, grief and abandonment.

The 7th and final recording is to clear up any remaining pain and connect to your inner Light, your inner radiance. 


Unless you know that only one area in particular is difficult for you, I would recommend taking a journey through 1st  to 7th Energy Clearing Meditations, as a sequence, this will ensure a thorough clearing, there is an album available with all the EC Meditations on. We rarely understand all the links that our behaviours and emotions have to our core beliefs, so I encourage you to give yourself the best releases.


How often do I use the live recordings?

If you're brand new to meditation and / or healing work, I would suggest that you do one recording no more frequently than once a week, and work through them progressively. If you have experience in healing work, then please be your own judge. 


Once you have listened, you can repeat a recording as often as you feel you need. Some people notice that they have more ECHOs waiting for releasing and healing; this is an indicator that it was a big theme for you and you will need to revisit it. 


I particularly recommend that you repeat the Connecting to your Inner Radiance recording.  It'll help whenever you feel a little less than your best self; a Light filled boost.


What's the cost?

As of April 2022, I have reduced the cost to £1 a track, or £6 for the full set.  I have lowered the price to such a affordable cost, in the hope that many more people will use them and begin to truly be themselves, in a world where our Light is really needed. Releasing the old pain is only a good thing; free yourself and then tell your friends and loved ones! Please spread the word!


How do I access the recordings?

Scroll down to your chosen theme, or if you prefer to clear all the themes in one album click here. On your chosen track / album, click on the green/pink button. It will take you to a link where you can make your payment.  Once the payment is complete a screen comes up to tell you and there is a link on that screen that provides a download link for you to download the track / album.   There is also an emailed link from 'Music Delivery' that gets sent through, check your junk/ spam folder for that one, images to guide you are below. The link is 'live' for 72 hours only so please download straight away to avoid disappointment. 

Energy Clearing Meditation 1

This meditation is a guided energy clearing meditation, aided by Angels and Light Beings.

It is created to enable you to heal the aspects of your self where you believe or have believed that you are unseen, unheard, helpless, unloved, separate or unsafe in some way.  We gather together all the parts of you that have felt this both in this life and in past lives, we also invite your ancestral aspects that have felt this too.  To finish you will reconnect to the Divine within and around you and feel the power, compassion and the love that is available to you at any and every moment.


The meditation lasts 1 hour 8 minutes and does not have music; please play your own alongside if you feel it beneficial.  Ensure you have a blanket and a glass of water to hand.


Energy Clearing Meditation 2

This meditation is a guided clearing meditation, aided by Angels and Light Beings, aimed at healing and clearing all aspect's/ECHOs of your younger self in this current life and past lives, as well as your ancestral timeline.  The theme for this one is around rejection and not feeling enough. Once we have cleared that, you are guided through a recalibration process to realign you, reminding you to remember your true Divine worth, feeling connected and complete, radiant and loved. 


The meditation lasts 1 hour.  Ensure you have a blanket and a glass of water to hand.


Energy Clearing Meditation 3

As with the previous Energy Clearing Meditations this one is aided by the Frequency and love of Angels and Light Beings and is lead in such a way that you are able to call forward all aspects of yourself in this life, past life and your ancestral time lines for healing; releasing the stuck energy that holds beliefs, emotions, stories, thoughts and behaviours in place.  In this Energy Clearing Meditation we focus on the theme of Power/Empowerment.  We clear the energy of abuse,  where you may feel or have felt trapped, where there seemed to be no choices or where you may have used your power to harm / control others in some way and much more. All aspects/ECHOs are loved and the Divinity within you is brought forward to shine that love and begin to heal those wounds, allowing you to feel alive, radiant and in connection with your Divine nature.


The meditation lasts 1 hour 4 minutes.  Ensure you have a blanket and a glass of water to hand.


Energy Clearing Meditation 4

As with the previous Energy Clearing Meditations this one is aided by the Frequency and love of Angels and Light Beings and is lead in such a way that you are able to call forward all aspects of yourself in this life, past life and your ancestral time lines for healing; releasing the stuck energy that holds beliefs, emotions, stories, thoughts and behaviours in place.  In this Energy Clearing Meditation we focus on the theme of Self Worth.  We look to clear the need to achieve in order to have worth, feelings of jealousy and not-'enoughness', the times you didn't want to be a 'bother' and so your needs went unmet.   We also look to clear old patterns of ignoring your own needs or needing validation of your worth from someone else, and of course the energy of all that negative self talk.  All aspects/ECHOs are loved and the Divinity within you is brought forward to shine that love and begin to heal those wounds.  We then align to truth, light, compassion, vibrancy, safety, empowerment, connection and joy. 


The meditation lasts 1 hour 21 minutes.  Ensure you have a blanket and a glass of water to hand.


Energy Clearing Meditation 5

This meditation focuses on the theme of Loving Yourself even when you're not perfect; and we all know how much of a struggle that can be! So here, you'll call forward, when prompted, aspects/ ECHOs of yourself that have experienced or felt a particular way, such as where you deliberately put your needs at the bottom of the list, comparing yourself to others, punished yourself for something and where your unable to accept yourself yourself for who you are, plus more.  

At then end, as normal, you will align to loving yourself completely, releasing judgement and allowing yourself to BE yourself and feeling complete and whole as you are. A very powerful and uplifting energy to recalibrate to!


Energy Clearing Meditation 6

This meditation focuses on the theme of Loss, Grief and Abandonment. Here, you will be supported the the energy of Angels, of the Divine as you call forward, when prompted, aspects/ ECHOs of yourself that have experienced loss, grief or feelings of abandonment; maybe the loss of a loved one, divorced parents, the grief associated with the death of a pet or your home or job.  Grief due to loss and abandonment comes in many forms and so you will have space at the end of that section to call any aspect of yourself that is in need of release and healing. before we move on to the higher vibration integration.  As normal, you will align to feeling nourished and filled up with the love of the Divine, helping you to feel connected to all and to feel filled up in your heart.


Energy Clearing Meditation 7

This meditation focuses on the theme of Reconnecting to your Inner Radiance.  After all the clearing you have done this is one to keep repeating to boost your energy, mood and vibration. In this meditation to release the last remaining aspects to Mother earth and then begin to journey through crystal caves, drinking in what you need as you visit.  You meet angels and guides along the way and by the end I hope you really do feel shining and radiant. 


Energy Clearing Meditations- The album

This features all 7 meditations in one album; providing 9.25hrs of healing; a perfect way to clear your energy of ancestral and past life beliefs as well as all the limiting beliefs and difficult feelings that are still present in your energy and helping you step forward as your powerful, loving, compassionate and radiant self.


Purchasing? what to look out for

When you click through and make payment, you'll have a payment complete screen, which has download links (which remain live for only 72 hrs) and looks like this: 


screenshot of payment screen
purchase info

Then you'll receive an email from the sender 'Music Delivery' that may end up in your junk/spam box. It looks like the image below. Please download the files immediately rather than waiting until the 72 hr window is drawing to a close.  

iPhone users: please check your 'files' folder where you could either find many files or a zip folder with the tracks inside. Please note; I am not able to help with the technical aspects of downloading to your devices. 


Screenshot (2)_LI.jpg

Disclaimer:  Please note, that no diagnosis will be given and you are responsible for your own mental and physical health and you should contact your GP if a medical problem arises.  All information on this website is used at your own risk and no liability will be accepted for anyone using this website. Click here for full website terms of use.

© Copyright 2012-2025 by Claire Williams | Your Soul Energy all rights reserved.

Based in Halstead, Essex, UK

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