Do you feel frustrated that you've promised yourself some time out of your very busy life, and then find that once you've taken care of everyone else there's very little, if anything, left for you?​
Would you benefit from a regular structure, that actively creates space and time that is all about nourishing you and doesn't use any of your already depleted energy?
Are you interested in self care, self development, meditation, crystals, angels and other magical things, but want it to be fun, relaxing and yummy, rather than a chore?
Would you like to make 1 hour a week REALLY count for the WHOLE of you (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) without tiring yourself out or having to leave the comfort of your home?
Then I invite you to come and find out about our membership, 'Awakened Heart, Radiant Soul'.
What is 'Awakened Heart, Radiant Soul'?
A brief overview
Awakened Heart, Radiant Soul is a relaxed, fun Spiritual-Self development membership, where we gently create transformation and self awareness whilst connecting with the Divine/Source.
We do this through a live weekly practice, of either a guided meditation (Serenity Session) or an Energy Cleansing and Healing gathering (Radiant Soul Healing). There's a library of past meditations/ healings to soothe ourselves with when the need arises (maybe in the bath or as we go to bed for a great night sleep).
Each month we additionally have a live Tapping Circle (using EFT [emotional freedom technique] for emotional soothing) to dismantle limiting beliefs and energy around a theme.
You can join us live on zoom (in your pj's with your camera off if that suits you) or just catch the replays at a time that supports you.
All recordings are held within the membership hub, so you can find it all easily.
Also available are short Morning Practices to set yourself up for the day and the Rescue & Reset section when you need a short effective practice to help you through the day.
What could you gain from this membership?
Switches of the stress response (the fight, flight, freeze reaction)
lowers blood pressure
improves sleep
Mentally/ Emotionally:
Reduces anxiety
Reduces negative thoughts and feelings
Enhances sense of well being
Creates a sense of space and ease
Improves self awareness
Creates a space of compassion and empathy for yourself and others
Great way to manage stress and overwhelm
More presence
Feel more relaxed and happier
Cleans your energy and frees you up
Helps you create time for YOU, which feeds your self worth and confidence
Helps you to release emotional triggers and old behavioural patterns over time
Spiritually/ Energetically:
Cleans your energy up
Creates connection with the Divine/ Source/ God
Helps you communicate with your Guides/ Angels and other Light Beings
Helps you to ground​ (and stay grounded)
Enables your light to shine more brightly
That's a lot of benefits! And because you're always so giving and busy, you are likely to be needing these 'nourishments' in your life, most of us are quite depleted by the time we find ourselves in groups such as this.
Who is this for?
Women who are interested in developing their intuition and spirituality
Women who would love to meditate. even if it's hard to calm the mind currently
Women who choose to take time for themselves
Who is this not for?
I have found this [membership] so helpful in trying to prioritise time for myself.
I always feel rested and reset.
I used to struggle so much to meditate, so having an ‘appointment’
and guidance really means I actually do what I really need to do.
Having access to what feels like 1-1 meditation guidance is just what we need in today's busy world.
- Annabelle
How this is different to other ways of 'time-for-me'?
Our modern way of living can feel overwhelming and leave little room for some down time that isn't the gym or a class, or going out and socialising, or sitting in front of the TV with a glass of wine.
And while all those things can be really nourishing in their own way, it's the constant 'doing' that can get exhausting.
As women, feminine energy is our core way of being, and this energy is of being, not doing.
This means that we need alternative ways to care for ourselves that involve relaxation and presence; from the classic bubble bath or massage to joining a women's circle.
This membership helps you connect with your feminine energy, your heart and your soul, whilst nourishing yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically (don't underestimate the impact of resting your body!), whilst being guided, so that there is very little effort required. And if you fall asleep...that's OK! There's no judgement, just care, presence and some fun, love-filled magic!
When I (Claire) guide the practices, I am in connection with my 'Light Gang' (Angels, Ascended Masters such as Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and Reiki Guides etc), and the Light of healing and transmission is channeled using me as a conduit.
Intuitively, I am aware of what you may struggle with (perhaps even just meditating), what your energy field may be 'saying' that it needs, and am holding a space of love, acceptance and compassion for YOU.
I love and value my members; we have created this membership together and it's such a privilege.
One of the members likes to joke "it's all about me" because she feels it is about her, it's that nourishing.

How does it work?
​Basically, we have 3 types of live gatherings, on zoom over the course of each month. You can attend all, or some, or none of them live; depending on your needs. Replays are always posted within 24 hours, and audio files are available for the Wednesday sessions.
On the first Wednesday of the month we meet for the monthly Radiant Soul Healing. These sessions tend to be about 90 minutes long, and focus on clearing/ cleansing your energy of what is coming up for YOU this month, then nourishing your energy bodies and realigning you to your highest vibration.
I use Light Codes, Angelic and Reiki symbols, Reiki Healing and my own Energy Clearing Statements to help shift the energies on and allow, instead, a lightening, an ease and happiness to be your new space.
The content will depend on what members bring to the space for healing; it is tailored to your needs, and yet can be confidential*.
This offering is unique to
Claire's Radiant Soul gatherings,
and therefore not available anywhere ELSE.
*I invite members to message me privately with their challenges, or they can bring it to the session and share with the group; the choice is theirs. Either way, we will address, energetically, what is causing 'problems'.
The 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, we have the Serenity Session, below is the general format of each session, and they tend to last up to 60mins:
We begin with some body reconnecting exercises such as breath-work and awareness
We then ground and stabilise our energies with Mother Gaia and consciously connect the Divine energy of Love and Light
From there we begin a journey of nourishment, resetting our energy bodies and aligning them with the highest version of ourselves as we explore an inner journey using visualisation and sensory awareness. This could be a crystal journey, a nature trail visualisation or a journey with angels...really anything is possible.
We always explore in Light and with gentle curiosity, as we are held by the Light Gang.
Because this membership is more than just meditation, more than healing; it's about helping you to become more than you think is possible; it's about helping you grow into your potential, we have a monthly Tap and Transform on the third Wednesday evening of the month and lasts about 1 hour.
This is a tapping circle, which incorporates EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is where we will tap together to help release blocks, limitations and beliefs around a particular theme.
Claire is a huge advocate of EFT/ tapping as it is very effective at reducing stress and switching off the fight/flight/freeze response. When we tap we begin to acknowledge the 'thing' that is uncomfortable and at the same time start to release the energy from it. So we relax around it, which gives the thinking mind space to open back up and come up with solutions.
And.... because sometimes we need something short and accessible at any time, we also have these pre-recorded offerings:
Monday Morning Meditation
Each Monday morning you will receive an email with a short (around 15 minutes) energy/meditation practice to set you up for the day, which you can continue to use during the rest of the week.
Rescue & Reset
This section is for for when you need to access little moments of ease.
The videos are of Claire talking you through some form of reset; breath-work, energy clearing, EFT/ tapping or visualisation.
They are be between 3 and 18 minutes long.
Morning Practices
These are literally what the title suggests; short (less than 15 minute) practices that you can do in the morning before you start your day, which will help you feel more centered and energised, particularly if you repeat them daily.
The weekly meditation sessions has enabled me to drop into meditation much more deeply and access a connection with the Divine [that] I didn't know was possible......
I've noticed real shifts in my life and relationships after we've had a Radiant Soul Healing session.
I'm so much more confident now about how my energy feels in my body and I'm aware of how I can easily get into a relaxed state which is so beneficial for me and my family.
- Anna
We also sometimes have live events, either in person or on zoom. The recordings from the Zoom events are found in the area, predictably called Event Recordings. As the membership grows, we will add more live events, such as the Chakra Balancing Workshop that happened in October '23. That way you can access extra teachings and practices whenever you feel called to.
Who am I to guide you in this?
In my younger years, I struggled to hear my intuition and believed that I had "no spiritual skills at all", that it was only the blessed or special that had such gifts. Instead, I was all about science and the practicalities in life, but within me, I felt a hankering for the magic of the esoteric.
When I reached my 40's I was forced to re-evaluate my life and what I was offering in the world and I changed my job and my way of being.
It was this shift and all that unfolded along the way, though difficult, that showed me the way back to myself, my connection with the Divine, and from there my abilities unveiled themselves.

I'm Claire
I also trained in many and varied healing modalities and grew in aptitude and confidence.
Along the way I rested heavily into meditation to soothe my busy and troubled mind, and exhausted heart, and give myself some space from myself (yes, at times, it was that bad!).
I connected with crystals and other energy tools, and my unique way of working with Energy revealed itself, and has continued to morph and grow as the years have gone by. I love energy work and it is part of my every day life.
I wanted to share this lighter side of my work with others, and was often asked to do so, and so in June 2023 I set up this co-creative membership site.
I love helping my members connect with their spiritual light and begin to sense and communicate with Light Beings; it's all possible for us, if we choose it and commit to it.
finding peace and ease within ourselves is the first step;
clearing your energy is the second step.
That's why the weekly offerings focus around this.
My intention and hope for you:
​​​Together, you and I, can co-create a new way of being.
This is the beginning of your Becoming.
A new way of showing up for yourself; regularly, consistently.
Releasing what weighs you down.
Creating space for a sense of freedom and spaciousness within.
Bringing more ease and Light to your mind, heart and body.
Allowing, over time, the birth of an even more beautiful and compassionate version of yourself.
A more authentic version of yourself.
Feel excited about the possibility of joining us?
Great, that feeling is an indicator; feeling excited or joyful is a signal from the heart, from the soul...to do more of that!
And if you decide to sign up now you are taking that first step to putting yourself first, at least once a week for about an hour.
And of course most of us wish we'd taken better care of ourselves when we feel poorly or drained, but our health can be cared for far more easily by preventing getting run down and exhausted. We all know that good nutrition and exercise are key to good health. And it's well documented that daily meditation is hugely beneficial for health and well being. But what doesn't get talked about (and I'm on a mission to change that) is that your energy impacts how you feel to a huge extent, because we are energy first. The non-physical realm holds much and when we start to clear it we become more free; more of our true selves!
Want to try before you buy?
I get that, and because setting up a free months trial is beyond my current IT skills, instead, to help you decide, below are some recordings; my aim is to show the variety of Serenity Session meditations (used to be called 'Weekly Reset') that you are likely to experience. There's also a sample of Radiant Soul Healings (previously called Cleanse and Heal). So, get comfy and click the link of the one/s that appeal most to you; I do hope you enjoy them.
Serenity Session 1 - ground and connect and then journey to meet a fire dragon
Serenity Session 2 - filling the body with Light
Serenity session 3 - an angelic journey
Radiant Soul Healing 1- wounded inner child healing with light
Radiant Soul Healing 2 - cord cutting and clearing around 'unwilling to let go'
Radiant Soul Healing 3 - healing around self punishment and forgiveness
Perhaps you'd like to try the Tap and Transform, click here to tap along with us, as we clear the blocks to finding time for ourselves.
You'll know if this membership is for you; hopefully by a little flutter of excitement or a big old "yes!!" bouncing around inside your head/ heart! We'd love to have you come and join us. But there's likely to be some extra info that you need.
The Fee & What you get
The subscription fee for membership to Awakened Heart, Radiant Soul is £45 per month and for that you get:
Monthly live energy healing and clearing tailored for you: Radiant Soul Healing on zoom, 1st Wednesday of the month at 8pm UK time/ 3pm EST/ 12pm PST
Weekly live meditations: Serenity Sessions, on zoom, on 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights 8.30pm UK time/ 3.30pm EST/ 12.30pm PST
Monthly live Tap and Transform (circle) on zoom, on themes that are relevant to you (and you can request particular topics too) on 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8pm UK time /3pm EST/ 13pm PST
A short morning meditation, emailed Mondays at 5am, to set you up for the day, to use daily
A library of recordings from the zoom gatherings
A Rescue and Reset section in the hub to help when you need fast relief
Morning Practices section to set you up for the day
Heavily discounted live in-person events
Occasional live workshops
WhatsApp community
This membership is about providing a structure and guidance to the self care practices and supports the connection to the Divine/ God/ Goddess/ Oneness/ Source/ Allah.
Also, did you know: Gathering in a group increases the benefits exponentially; there is potency within group work that is difficult to create alone.
Rest assured, that if you feel, at any point that Awakened Heart, Radiant Soul membership is no longer something that you want to be a part of, then you can cancel your membership with 1 months notice, just email claire@yoursoulenergy.uk with the subject header as 'membership cancellation' and we'll sort the rest out.
You will still have access to the zoom groups and resources until the end of that billing period.
It would be very helpful for us to know why you are cancelling in case there is anything we can do to improve our services.
Ready to say 'Yes'?
Are you ready to become a member?
Yes? Yay! I'm so pleased!! And I can't wait to connect with you.
​Just follow these steps:
Click here to read the terms and conditions
Complete the small form at the bottom of the page.
Set up payment; upon successful submission of the membership form, you'll have a link to use to set up your payment.
Once these two steps have been completed your login details will be created and sent to you via email.
If you miss the link to set up your payment, please use this link here.
By clicking on the payment link, please note that you will be stating that you have read, understood and agree to those Ts and Cs.
Be aware that the subscription will appear on your bank statements as 'Go Cardless'; this is the name of the payment processor that is used.
Still got questions?
Perhaps, at this point, you have some questions. Take a look below; hopefully most, if not all, of your questions will be answered. But if not, let us know by emailing: claire@yoursoulenergy.uk. or via the form on the contact me page.
Feeling vulnerable about sharing your information on a call?
It is totally natural to feel uncomfortable when sharing feelings; it's a tender space to be, but by sharing you feelings many things can happen
relief of being open and honest about how you are feeling
perhaps a lessening of the pain that keeping it inside creates
it creates space for support to reach you, for others to extend their feelings of care to you
you may be speaking something that someone else also feels; maybe they haven't found their voice yet and so you are helping them too
it helps to build community and connection; something that many of us need as we move towards a less limited version of ourselves.
But, if you're not ready, that's OK! We NEVER force anyone to share anything, we are just glad you joined us, and showed up for yourself.
Do I need to have my camera on?
No. While it's lovely to see your faces, it's not necessary. Many of the members show up in their pj's, and in winter, tucked up in bed! We're quite relaxed. You can speak if you wish or just use the chat box to communicate. The ethos of the membership is get comfy and relax, and if you're in the UK...get ready for a good nights sleep.
What if I can't make it live?
Although, we always encourage you to come to the sessions live and to give yourself this time, sometimes it just isn't possible. It could be that something comes up, or you're on holiday and that's OK. One of our members cannot get to the live calls, so she does them in the morning with her daily bath, so you can make it work for you. Each call will be recorded and posted within the membership area within 24hrs. Only fellow members will be able to access it.
When it comes to the monthly Radiant Soul Healing sessions and you have an area you would like energetic support with, you can send your question/ or some information on the feelings/thoughts involved to Claire beforehand so that the energies can be 'catered' for.
Can I have 1-to-1 coaching?
Within the container of the membership; there is no 1-to-1 coaching, unless specifically stated.
However if you feel that this is something that you need, maybe you have some new awareness and would like deeper support with it; reach out at claire@yoursoulenergy.uk and we can arrange a connection call and discuss how to best approach what is coming up for you.
Is there a Facebook group?
Yes. Once you become a member you will be given a link to join the group.
Go ahead and introduce yourself; maybe share what you are hoping to get out of the membership, what is it that brought you here etc.
Hopefully we've answered your questions but if not, just drop us a line via the contact page.
Below is the sign up form.