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About Claire

Why do I do (and love) this work?​

For as long as I can remember, I had struggled with so much about myself. There was an internal compass that led me to feel bad or wrong, or helpless in all sorts of situations.


It dogged me throughout my working-life journey, my first marriage, raising my sons, through my divorce and came to a head a couple of years into my relationship with my (now) hubby.


And although it was difficult and confusing at the time, I am so very thankful it did.

Why?  because it changed everything for me!

Claire Williams, Energy and Emotional Wellbeing Coach, EFT, NLP, Hypontherapy, Energy Healing, Reiki Master-Teacher, qualifications, training, experience, yoga, walking, energy work, chakras

From that lonely and internally-messy place, I began to truly connect with, and voice, what and who I yearned to be as a person. 


As I cared for, and healed my emotional pain, dispelled my limiting beliefs and cleared my energetic 'clutter', some wonderful transformations revealed themselves:

  • I became happier and more contented with myself

  • My 'inner child' became free and playful

  • I was able to sense and grow my inner-light bright

  • I stopped eating in response to difficult emotions

  • I connected more deeply to my purpose

  • I became joyful and playful

  • My belief and self confidence in myself soared

  • I became compelled to let others know what was possible for them too

  • I became comfortable talking about my 'weird' spiritual/energetic abilities

  • A strong sense of connection to the Divine/ Source energy grew


This became my way of being.


Plus, as my sensitivities grew, I started to sense the subtle energies of the body; picking up on emotions within problematic body areas (torn calf muscle, frozen shoulder etc.).  I began to communicate with cells or organs and endocrine glands, working with them energetically to alleviate blockages and creating internal harmony.


It also became easier for me to connect and communicate with Angels, Ascended Masters and other Light beings.   I created a powerful Energy Clearing Statement that dislodges and dissolves old unhelpful energy, freeing it up, creating a sense of spacious ease in the body and mind.

As these transformations unfolded a very, very

strong desire to share what I learned grew;

particularly with other women

who feel 'less-than' or 'wrong'.

And to help them let go of their limitations and pain, and reconnect to their bright-shiny light.

Training & Qualifications

In order to genuinely be able to create great transformation within myself, and facilitate it with my clients, I dedicated myself to learning and honing new skills and gaining experience. 


Twelve years being full-time self employed,  I am now a Reiki Master-Teacher and qualified in numerous healing modalities.  Many of which work with the subconscious mind to release trauma and make lasting emotional and mental / behavioural change: 

  • Advanced Practitioner in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)/ a.k.a. tapping

  • Matrix Reimprinting (inner child work)

  • Matrix Birth-Reimprinting

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Kinetic Shift

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)


Along side, I also qualified in many 'energy'-healing therapies such as Reiki (as mentioned above), Angelic Reiki, Quantum Touch (TM) including Self-Created Health, and Crystal Healing.

I am also a Life Coach and trained in Leading Meditation, ​plus many body based therapies such as Reflexology including Maternity and Fertility, Aromatherapy, Swedish massage and Indian Head massage.  And I studied A level Human Biology as an adult; just because I found it fascinating and inspiring. 

What all of this means, is that I bring quite a toolbox to each and every session, with each and every client, being able to support you and anything that you are feeling in a multitude of ways.


Over the years I've worked with people with a varied array of issues, including anxiety, poor self-esteem, emotional eating problems, phobias, body-restriction issues. 


As a result, I have 1000s of hours of experience helping clients release their pain (in whatever form it takes for them; emotional, mental, physical or spiritual) and move into alignment, start to take care of themselves and love their lives again. The transformations are beautiful and it is a sacred gift to be able to play a part in them. 


At the beginning of my self-employed journey, I began working (until the pandemic) with a few (adult) clients with learning difficulties, and also volunteered (2013 -2016), at a local hospice, offering holistic therapies to those with terminal illness.

These two fields of experience allowed me to grow in confidence and awareness, and adapt my approach; finding the best ways to support clients with their needs, holding them with a compassionate and nurturing energy and to see them in their truth, as a whole being, rather than a condition.

These lovely souls taught me to always show up in my truth, be fully present and to let go of fear about what I don't understand; people helping people, is how we all grow together.


Also, since Aug 2020, I have been volunteering for UK based charity called FAST (Frontline Assistance for Stress and Trauma); working with NHS and Emergency Service workers traumatised by the effects of the pandemic, specifically using EFT and Matrix Reimprinting.


Continuing on that theme, during the 'pandemic lock-downs' I offered free tapping circles on zoom, encouraging people to come along with whatever was present for them and we would use EFT to begin to relax the body and mind around the presented issue. This gave great value to those who joined, one of whom used it effectively to relax before having an MRI scan.


During that time I also guided Angel-led group meditations that cleared old emotionally-painful energy and created a sense of wholeness and Light within.  (The recordings of these are found here).


Alongside all of the above, and working with clients at my practice, I have led Well-Being workshops (using EFT and Meditation) for a teachers union (NASUWT) and also offered one-to-one therapies for members.


Similarly, I have given talks and run workshops at Mind, Body & Soul events, allowing me to share my knowledge with others, in a fun and accessible way. Additionally I have recently guided a group meditation for a marketing department of a care home group.


By now, you've probably got a sense that I love to share my ideas and techniques with people! It has led me to create a short course of my own; helping to spread understanding of the connection between mind, body and energy.  I feel it is a key, though an often over-looked one, to having full health and vibrancy.


Plus, because I frequently get asked about all sorts of things spiritual and energetic, and I love to meditate with others, in June 2023 I set up a energy healing, meditation, self and spiritual development membership.  We gather weekly to meditate, tap out our current limiting belief or to do some energy clearing and receive healing; it feels so uplifting and nourishing to share this; i truly love it!

What else?

Obviously I practice what I preach, and have my own daily spiritual, energy and embodiment practices.

Like you, I'm only human, and these practices help me to stay connected to something Greater than myself, keeping me replenished within my heart and my energy field, which helps me feel bright and vibrant.  I love to journal and play with crystals too.

I make a point of working very regularly with my own support network; continuing to clear any emotional /mental issues that come up.  I have learned so much by de-layering and getting to know myself more deeply; taking notice of the signposts that indicate something needs exploring and caring for brings illumination when working with clients. 


Outside of my work, I love to soothe my mind and body with yoga, walking (and talking, and laughing!) with good friends and spending fun/quality-time with my family. This fills my 'happiness and love reservoirs'.


Although I'm really a fair-weather gardener, I love being with my plant ‘babies’ in the garden and am in the process of guiding plants into fullness within my Goddess Meditation garden.

Because we like projects/challenges, my (Engineer) hubby, Rhys, and I recently took on an allotment which is best described as a digging-fest (if you like that sort of thing) mixed with a learning curve; I hope the potatoes are worth it!!


Taking me out of my creative comfort zone, I’m also learning how to paint, in water colours.  I have steep ambitions of painting beautiful light-filled skies and radiant, illuminating angels. Sounds wonderful, but I’m not there yet, often no-where near, but I am (mostly) loving the exploration!


I still love to study and read books about areas connected my work/psychology, trauma etc; there's always something else to learn or understand more deeply; I hope my natural curiosity never leaves; it's led me along a beautiful winding life-path.


So that's me, in a (long) nutshell

In case you are wondering what this seemingly random photo is all about...


I took this photo a couple of years ago, from my healing sanctuary, and it filled me with a sense of magic and awe, wondering what message it brought, and if the clouds look like a phoenix or a dragon...what do you see?

Dragon sky.jpg

Qualification and Membership badges

Complementary Therapists association (CThA) member badge
Professional badge for EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Academy, EFT practitioner qualification
Professional icon/logo for EFT and Matrix Reimprinting academy for a Matric Reimprinting practitioner qualification
Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner -Seal
Kinetic Shift practitioner logo, fast induction training, qualification. form of hypnosis
fertility reflexologist qualification
susanna enzer, maternity reflexology qualification
Guild of Energists logo

Disclaimer:  Please note, that no diagnosis will be given and you are responsible for your own mental and physical health and you should contact your GP if a medical problem arises.  All information on this website is used at your own risk and no liability will be accepted for anyone using this website. Click here for full website terms of use.

© Copyright 2012-2025 by Claire Williams | Your Soul Energy all rights reserved.

Based in Halstead, Essex, UK

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